Aim and Scope

The 14th International Symposium celebrates the 40th anniversary of Hisarlı Ahmet’s death, this time with the theme Memory, Space and Music, organically associated with his folk music heritage.

Symbol of Kütahya city, Hisalı Ahmet is directly related to the concepts of memory and space by performing local folk songs in an original style, faithfully preserving their essence and propagating the vitality of the regional tradition.

The relation of memory and space can be done from various perspectives, as both concepts exist in distint contexts, and they represent aspects of our undestanding and interprepretation of the world we interact with. However, with Industry 5.0, all the boundaries of the concepts of memory and space, from the conditions of storing and transmitting information to the spatial perceptions determined by virtual environments, entered a continuous process of change. Contrasting the solid world, well-defined structures and stable social institutions of the past; the period in which we live according to Zygmunt Bauman is defined as liquid modernity, marked by change, uncertainty and instability.

Following the tradition of focusing on human and society, the 14th International Hisarlı Ahmet Symposium is honored to invite all academics to investigate how music and musicians act and adapt in the liquid world of human life, and how they interact in within the vast concepts of memory and space.


  • category Acoustics
  • category Perception
  • category Composition
  • category Brain and Music
  • category Philosophy of Science and Physics
  • category Individualism and Collectivism
  • category Instruments Technology
  • category Online Media Cognition
  • category Electroacoustic System Design
  • category Industry 5.0
  • category Different Learners
  • category Film and Music
  • category City and Public Space Relationship
  • category Musical History and Cultures of Cities
  • category Individual and Family Memory
  • category Cultural Planning
  • category Chronology and Anachrology
  • category Music Education
  • category Music Museums and Collections
  • category Music Production and Design
  • category Popular Music and Cultural Memory
  • category Virtual Environment
  • category Design and Music Relationship
  • category Artificial Intelligence
  • category Performance


  • campaign
    Click here to download the guidelines of full-text (proceedings). Deadline for submission is 16 August, 2024. Submission address: [email protected]
  • campaign
    Click here to download the 14th abstract book tıklayınız.
  • campaign
    The presentation dinner of the 14th International Hisarlı Ahmet Symposium was held in Kütahya. Click here for details.

Invited Speakers

Chair of Scientific Board

Thank You For Your Contribution

  • Republic of Turkey Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mr. Mehmet Nuri Ersoy
  • Governor of Kütahya, Mr. Musa Işın
  • Mayor of Kütahya, Eyüp Kahveci
  • Rector of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Prof. Dr. R. Cüneyt Erenoğlu
  • Rector of Anadolu University, Prof. Dr. Fuat Erdal
  • Rector of Afyon Kocatepe University, Prof.Dr. Mehmet Karakaş
  • Rector of Dulumpınar University, Prof.Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak
  • Rector of Kütahya Health Sciences University, Prof.Dr. Ahmet Tekin
  • Director of Kütahya Provincial of National Education, Mr. Hasan Başyiğit
  • President of Kütahya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mrs. Esin Güral Argat
  • Director of Kütahya Provincial Culture and Tourism, Mr. Zekeriya Ünal
  • Director of Kütahya Municipality's Culture and Social Affairs, Mr. Yıldırım Akgül
  • Director of Kütahya Ahmet Yakupoğlu Fine Arts High School, Mr. Mustafa Demir
  • Kütahya Fine Arts Association
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University State Conservatory
  • Afyon Kocatepe University State Conservatory
  • Association of Culture and Art of Kutahya for Mevlana Researches
  • Afyon Kocatepe University State Conservatory Alumni Association
  • Çatık Mining Company, Mr. İsmet Çatık (MAIN SPONSOR)
  • Kütahya Seramik, Mr. Nafi Güral
  • Delen Trade Company Inc., Mr. Nihat Delen
  • Kırdar Bilgiören College, Mr. Rafet Kırdar
  • Kaşi Ahmet Tile Ceramic Company, Mr. Ahmet Özmutaf
  • Başkent Music Store
  • İzge Publication